Common myths and Side Effects of Magic Mushrooms

All hallucinogens can trigger mental and emotional problems and causing accidents while under the influence. Consuming these hallucinogens can result in a mild trip causing the user to feel relaxed or drowsy to a frightening experience. These are normally marked by hallucinations, panic and delusions. Some users even end up having convulsions. Magic mushrooms look similar to poisonous mushrooms which can cause severe illness, organ damage and even death. Also lasting side effects of magic mushrooms may include long term changes in personality as well as flashbacks long after taking them. Below are the common side effects of magic mushrooms. This can be grouped into two namely, physical effects and mental effects. 

Physical Effects 

Psychedelic mushrooms are not as famous for physical effects as they are for psychological effects. Unlike other drugs of abuse, most hallucinogens don’t cause intense rushes or euphoria but magic mushrooms do cause increased tolerance to other drugs. Taking magic mushrooms can cause the following physical effects: 

  • Increase Your Heart Rate 

Magic mushrooms can increase your heart rate to higher thresholds if mixed with other drugs. 

  • Raise Your Blood Pressure 

Any drug that increases your heart rate is very likely to increase your blood pressure as well. High amount of doses is likely to affect your blood pressure. It is recommended to avoid magic mushrooms if you have any history of high blood pressure. 

  • Magic Mushrooms Can Cause Seizures Or Convulsions 

This is a rare situation but it can occur. This happens if mixed with stimulants. 

  • Magic Mushrooms Can Dehydrate Your Body 

This is by mixing magic mushrooms and molly which cause sodium to water imbalances in the blood. 

Other physical effects are: 

Dilated pupils, drowsiness, headaches, high temperature and Lack of coordination, muscle weakness, nausea, and yawning 

Mental Effects 

Taking magic mushrooms can cause the following mental effects: 

Distorted sense of tome, place, and reality, euphoria, hallucinations (visual or auditory), having introspective (spiritual) experience, panic reactions, paranoia, psychosis, nervousness 

Common Myths and Misconceptions of Magic Mushrooms 

  • Psychedelics Affect The Brain Like Any Other Illegal Drug 

Many people have the belief that these drugs have the same impact as other illegal drugs since hallucinogens are illegal. 

  • Psychedelics Will Make You Feel Crazy 

Some people believe if you take a hallucinogen, you will experience or start seeing or hearing colors. 

  • Psychedelics can show you the divine truth of reality 
  • Psychedelics will always give you exactly what you need at the time 
  • Psychedelics is for everyone 
  • Psychedelics Can be used  casually 



Magic mushrooms ought to be carefully and professionally monitored before given to any user. This is clearly because of its health effects on the body. If left unsupervised, it can lead to dangerous situations shroom hub