Important Medical History Program On Cannabis In Canada

Cannabis commonly known as marijuana has been a great source of medicine for centuries in Canada. In the ancient days, it was referred to as a medicinal plant. However, even as technology advances and becomes part of life, it was still one of the best treatment for numerous ailments. Around 1923, the government of Canada banned use of this product but it was around 1932 i.e. around nine year after cannabis was banned, marijuana cigarettes were seized. In fact, the first charge laid on an individual was witnessed fourteen years after banning of cannabis use

Around 1961, the U.N signed a treaty called Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs which was actually an international treaty. This is what introduce four vital schedules of controlled substances thus making this product become a drug to be controlled internationally. It was highly restricted and actually classified as scheduled as IV.

In the treaty, United Nation members were asked to strictly control its growth. All the process involved in the drug were criminalized which involved its production, possession, preparation, exportation, importation as well as selling.

Since it is usually used for medical purposes, many people and companies have tried to remove it from schedule IV classification or from the schedule but since it was mentioned in convention done around 1961, its modification require a vote by the majority of commissioners.

Alterations of Canada Marijuana Laws

The convention wording being quite clear that Peak420 Cannabis members who agreed and even signed the treaty have no option rather than to treat it as a drug in Schedule IV with an appropriate punishment.

Around 1998, a discussion paper was publicized; Cannabis Control Policy which had actually been written around 1979 by the National Health and Welfare Department. This policy summarized the control policy.

This obligations are only related to behaviors which are associated with illegal trafficking. In addition, even though Canada can elect to criminalize its consumption, she is not allowed to punish individuals who committed these kind of law breaking.

The obligation to minimize this product ownership is exclusively to legally authorized medical and scientific reasons refer to both distribution and administrative controls. At times it may need its confiscation with no authorization or permit but it does not bind to charge individuals who committed such offenses.

Around August 1997, the medical institute commenced a review to make a scientific assessment of marijuana and cannabinoids mail order marijuana

Sufferers have had a steady uphill climb since 2001 due to chronic and terminal ailments. To add, one year after it was legalized for medical use only, the Senate of Canada started a campaign for MMAR reform. Some pushed for means of getting this product without even growing it.


In Canada, marijuana access is granted for medical applications to those ailing from debilitating ailments as well as those in chronic conditions.